When you need to settle an estate, we're here to help.
Offering assistance at every step.
Whether you’re a beneficiary, executor of an estate, or need to transfer account ownership, we’ll guide you through and help make the process as easy as possible.

Gather your documents
Depending on the circumstances, we'll need some documents from you to get started.

Send us your documents
Documents can be sent digitally, or by mail. If further steps are necessary, a customer care representative will contact you within 10 days of receiving your documents.
Ally customers can send digital versions of their documents to us via secure message by logging in, selecting Profile & Settings, then Secure Messages, then Send a New Secure Message. Non-Ally customers can call customer care at 1-877-247-2559 to receive a secure link for uploading documents.
Ally Bank
P.O. Box 951
Horsham, PA 19044
Need additional assistance? Give us a call.
If you have outstanding questions or need additional account information, we can provide it after receiving your documents. Call us at 1-877-247-2559 . We’ll be glad to help.
Keep in mind, this information is specific to Ally Bank accounts when an owner passes away. Since every situation is different and some requirements vary by state, we recommend you speak to a financial professional or estate attorney.