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How to improve the patient experience with tiered treatment plans

For many patients, the prospect of a significant procedure or course of treatment can be overwhelming, both clinically and financially. Tiered treatment plans can help you and your clients overcome those concerns. Whether it’s oral surgery or preventative skincare, breaking care down into more manageable steps can take unnecessary pressure off of clients and improve their experience overall.

What is a tiered treatment plan?

This phased approach to patient care breaks procedures or treatments that may typically have a more aggressive timeline into smaller, digestible phases.  For example, if a patient with acne can’t immediately commit to an antibiotic treatment (either due to finances or their personal comfort level) you could instead recommend a topical approach as they consider their options. This more flexible approach to care can benefit patients and your practice in several ways.

Set expectations

For many patients, there’s nothing more frightening than the unknown, and that’s exactly what they’re facing when presented with treatment options. By taking a tiered approach you’re able to map out what’s ahead in more digestible steps. That might mean starting with less invasive measures that address the concern at a more measured pace instead of an inpatient, surgical procedure which requires more recovery time. Clearly communicating the expected process, results, recovery, and financial commitment of each recommended tier or phase. 

By breaking up the process, and providing clearly defined steps, you allow patients more time to wrap their minds around the procedures and consider their comfort level and payment options. By allowing for equally flexible financing options you can ensure your practice is doing all that it can to put patients at ease every step of the way.

Start treatment promptly

In some instances, the fear of the physical and financial burden of a procedure might stop a patient from even considering treatment. The tiered approach allows you to quickly address the patient’s needs and wants without the fear of substantial recovery time or adverse side effects. For instance, for a patient who is considering cosmetic surgery but is not yet ready to move forward, you might recommend a series of body sculpting procedures that can deliver similar results but over a longer period of time. 

Without this pause, some clients may feel rushed into making an important decision about their health without time to consider their finances or other potential options. By providing this phased approach you’re able to relieve some of that pressure as well.

Stay ahead of financial concerns

In healthcare, pricing is a serious hurdle for many patients. A frequent lack of transparency around the cost of care only adds to this stress. Tiered treatment may not reduce the cost of procedures, but it can make them more manageable. By spreading out care over a longer period, patients are also granted the opportunity to distribute those costs over an extended timeframe. It may seem like a small shift, but turning one large expense into a series of smaller costs can make a world of difference to a patient's mindset. 

This alternative perspective on payment may mean the difference between beginning treatment now vs. holding off. With Ally Lending healthcare financing solutions, you’re able to give your patients the option to pay over time for care and treatments they want or need, while you get paid upfront.

Create a comfortable environment

As a healthcare professional, your number one priority is providing excellent care for your patients. Often that means giving them the choices they need to feel comfortable with procedures and their cost. Tiered treatment plans allow you to meet them where they’re at, both personally and financially, to provide them with a solution you're both comfortable with.

Ally Lending provides the flexibility you and your patients need.

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