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Free to Be You: How Cosmetic Procedures Promote Body Positivity

September 3, 2021

The body-positive movement has caused quite a stir, fueled by celebrity advocacy and changing generational values. This growing conversation embraces all body types and encourages a focus on healthier and happier living, rather than trying to meet unrealistic, societal expectations.

In the past, cosmetic procedures have often been connected to a drive to meet an unattainable ideal. But just like public perspectives have evolved, so have conversations and motivations around surgeries and treatments. The results go beyond physical appearance to include the psychological impact they can have, which are just as, if not more, important.

Plastic surgery and body positivity can go hand in hand. By fully embracing this movement’s values and incorporating them into your practice, you can better meet patients' physical and emotional needs.

Instill empowerment after an accident or injury

A positive outlook following a serious accident can be difficult. Patients may still be processing trauma and hoping to remove the physical scars to help heal the emotional ones. If a patient is looking for reconstructive or corrective procedures following a traumatic injury, you should keep in mind that, for them, these procedures are often a significant step towards some normalcy.

Whether they’re electing for laser scar removal, chemical peels, injections, ointments or a surgical procedure, these treatments can help them heal. What’s most important? Remember, that a patient’s body image may not be in line with what came before. Focus on the outcome of confidence in your conversations and digital communications to connect with this clientele.

Rebuild confidence with breast reconstruction and augmentation

Whether a patient is looking to rebuild what was lost or augment (possibly even reduce) what they already have, breast procedures come with a certain amount of stigma. What’s often overlooked is that these same surgeries can do wonders for self-esteem. Breast reconstructions especially, which frequently follow a mastectomy (usually performed as cancer prevention), can recapture lost confidence and help patients move past the trauma.

Augmentations can also have a similar impact on women’s self-image. Reductions are often essential to help women with chronic pain and other challenges that can arise from carrying too much weight in their chest. Providers should keep this powerful, positive, and transformative perspective in mind when discussing these procedures with patients. Beyond conversation, take this message to your marketing materials using language that reflects the emotional benefits and testimonials from patients who have lived these experiences (and are comfortable sharing their stories).

Reshape body image

Body positivity is about embracing all body types. So, providers should remember that weight loss procedures are not always motivated by meeting society’s expectations. Yes, weight can be a sensitive subject since many men and women struggle to get rid of extra pounds, despite diet and exercise. With cosmetic measures like liposuction, patients are taking steps to live a happier life. And for those that are weight-loss challenged (due to genetic predispositions or medical conditions), it can be a huge step toward a more holistic, healthy lifestyle and better body image that, otherwise, might be unachievable.

Or a client might have already taken significant steps toward an active and robust style of living that’s delivered significant weight loss, so they’re interested in body contouring to remove excess skin that won’t shrink. In both cases, cosmetic intervention might be the only option allowing them to live freely and bring their body more in line with their desires – a significant triumph for clients of all sizes.

You can harness these motivations in your social media and marketing collateral. Let it spur your in-office conversations about healthier lifestyles and the procedures that can help get your clients there. And make sure patients are able to afford these procedures with financing options like Ally Lending that make it all possible.

Find the face that matches the inside

In the past, nose jobs (or rhinoplasty) have been framed as cosmetic procedures intended to correct so-called “imperfections.” But as facially-focused surgeries like nose jobs have become more creative, the definition of beauty has become more all-encompassing. Millennials and Gen Z patients are even asking for “imperfect” results. They’re not looking to fit in, but embracing their unique features.

Feel free to be you

Body positivity and plastic surgery may seem contradictory at first, but bear in mind that it usually comes from an appetite for happiness and increased self-esteem. More often than not, people are looking for ways to love themselves more freely, fully and unrestrained. By bringing this perspective to marketing, consultations and conversations, providers can help patients achieve their cosmetic goals both inside and out.

Help patients make their body-positive dreams a reality with Ally Lending payment options that help them stay within their budgets.

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