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Awesome Healthcare Marketing Ideas to Attract More Patients

September 22, 2021

Way back in the day, healthcare providers were often limited to local word of mouth from current patients and advertising to get the word out. But those days are long gone. With today’s digital marketing tools, you can showcase your services, build your reputation, and reach more clients than ever before online.

Remember, much of the research when it comes to healthcare procedures also starts online. Just like your practice stays on top of the latest medical advancements to provide patients the best care possible, staying up to date on the latest digital marketing can ensure you clearly communicate and promote those services. Take your first step with these marketing methods.

Shape your website to leave an impression 

Today, word of mouth promotion can only get you so far. Most would-be patients research healthcare options online. You need to leave a digital impression. A contemporary, stylish and (most importantly) easy to use website is critical to transform visitors into clients at your healthcare practice.

A simple list of your services and contact information may not suffice anymore. Focus on design and usability (or user experience) to create a website that makes potential patients want to learn more. Make it easy to find the answers to frequently asked questions via an FAQs page, and for those lingering queries, make sure the contact form is easy to find (and complete) to prevent prospects from leaving to find answers to their medical inquiries elsewhere.

For current patients, a user portal where you can securely share test results or send quick follow-up notes between appointments is essential. And for new patients, provide clear directions on how to enroll or request an appointment, and be sure to outline your affordable financing options so that patients know you offer a variety of ways to pay for services. You’ll want to engage a professional for the patient portal to ensure it meets all security and HIPAA requirements. But you don’t necessarily have to be an HTML whiz to craft an excellent web page to promote your practice and services. There are a few affordable DIY-friendly website builders with template designs and easy-to-use customization tools that can help you create an enticing website handily.

Make an impact with imagery

From straighter and whiter teeth to softer and more youthful skin, would-be patients want to see results. By using visuals of your best work, you can demonstrate the skill of your practice in a way that words simply can’t get across. No need to brag; the visuals will speak for themselves.

Across social media and your website, post the most impactful images, like striking before and after photos and your most popular procedures. Always check your lighting and framing to get the best and most professional shots.

Grow an enticing presence on social media

People considering healthcare services are increasingly turning to social media to learn more before choosing a provider. Make sure you provide the resources they’re looking for. Testimonials from previous patients, guides featuring dental FAQs, or a listicle of the top cosmetic procedures for the fall — this is the kind of social media content that can grab and hold the attention of potential patients.

Pro Tip: In addition to posting, it’s just as important to create and join conversations on these platforms. Share takeaways, reply to questions with insightful answers, put your expertise on full display to point future patients in your direction.

Incentivize wellness

Think about offering other savings opportunities to get patients off the fence and into the doors of your practice. Run online specials for in-demand services (buy-one-get-one) and discounts for first-time patients. To motivate current patients, start a wellness challenge to prioritize health through some friendly competition.

Patients can post their progress on social media platforms and tag your healthcare practice. The shares will give you great exposure, and you can encourage clients to post by awarding them discount coupons to healthy restaurants, gym rebates, fitness supplements, and equipment. Partner with businesses that are a natural fit for your clientele to offer referral discounts and links back to your website and drive traffic to your practice. And consider providing financing for medical treatments and procedures by offering loans through  Ally Lending to entice potential patients.

Implement a superb SEO strategy

The internet can be a crowded field. Strategies like search engine optimization (SEO) could help your practice rise to the top. Updates to design, user experience, or how your website appears on mobile devices can all improve SEO. But the most straightforward method is to start with keywords.

How? Popular search engines rank sites for keywords and phrases. You’ll want to create an SEO strategy by determining the most important keywords for your healthcare practice. Think something like “Clear & Brilliant laser resurfacing Boston” or “best orthopedic surgeons San Jose.” You’ll want to improve your standing in those searches by using that language on your site. It may take some time, but when you rank well, it will be quicker and easier for prospective patients to find your website and learn what you offer.

Pro Tip: If you seek to rank higher, you can always search the term you're looking to rank amongst and analyze some of the top sites that appear to gain insight on how to better integrate the keyword or phrase into your platform and marketing communications .

The digital sky’s the limit

Digital marketing strategies could allow you to grow your healthcare practice in ways traditional methods simply can’t deliver. These virtual updates can have a serious impact on your physical business by getting the word out and keeping you in front of current and future patients.

Ensure clients have financing options that make healthcare attainable.

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