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A roofing contractor installing a new roof on a residential home.

5 Preventative Maintenance Projects for the Summer Months

July 30, 2021

Long days. Warm weather. Summer’s optimal conditions are the perfect excuse to focus on specific home projects. That’s because some tasks are just better suited to the summer months, allowing homeowners to get a jump on common maintenance issues or stay ahead on updates that they’ll benefit from year-round.

A focus on preventative maintenance and repairs can be especially beneficial to not only ensure homes are in tip top shape for the winter months, but also to avoid larger repairs in the future, which can be both costly and time-consuming. Help homeowners reap the benefits of summertime with these key rehab and preventative projects.

Roof Replacements and Repairs

Roof projects aren’t always planned. All too often, they’re a matter of necessity after small repairs have been put off for too long. Regular maintenance can help homeowners stay ahead of larger projects, like a complete roof replacement. And summer offers the ideal conditions to check small fixes off the to-do list. Not only is the weather generally more cooperative, but more daylight hours allow roofing projects to be completed more quickly (and at lower costs of labor).

And if the time has come for a roof replacement (they can last anywhere between 15 and 75 years, depending on the roofing materials used), the warmer months are the best time to tackle it. (No one wants to be ripping up a roof under the threat of snow and ice.)

Siding Updates

Just like a home’s roof, siding provides protection against the elements. Winter weather can be brutal on a home’s siding, causing cracks, rot, peeling, gaps and other damage that if left untreated can lead to much larger issues. While quality siding should last anywhere from 20 to 40 years, regular maintenance to repair and refresh can help extend its life.

Knowing when it’s time to replace is also essential. Increased energy bills, peeling wallpaper and visibly bent siding are all signs that it may be time to fully replace. Summer’s generally dryer weather makes it the preferred time of year for large siding projects to avoid warping, which can increase costs and timelines.

Note: To ensure that homeowners can manage the costs of preventative maintenance, Ally Lending’s customized financing provides contractors with the tools needed to help homeowners budget for these essential projects during the summer months and year-round.

House Painting

After a long, cold, windy winter, a fresh coat of paint can work wonders on a battered home exterior. Homeowners may assume paint imperfections are merely cosmetic fixes, but keeping this layer well maintained can protect against much more significant damage to the exterior of a home.

As is the case with most exterior projects, the long days and warm weather summer offers makes house painting a simpler, faster project overall. But the season also offers ideal conditions for a quality paint job — you want to paint when the temperature is at least 50 degrees — ensuring that your work isn’t just done but done in a way that will last.

New Windows

Replacing the windows of a home is a large, expensive task at any time of the year. However, by taking care of this behemoth of a home project during the summer, homeowners can make the best of a challenging venture. First and foremost, the benefits of better windows are most apparent during the summer months — boosting the energy efficiency of any home and bringing down the cost of A/C. (Who doesn’t love lower energy bills?)

Window projects are also especially prone to weather delays, which are far fewer during the summer. Keeping window projects on schedule are essential to keep costs low and achieve energy efficiency more quickly.

Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Energy efficiency may be a year-round goal, but its impact is felt the most by homeowners in the summer months, especially when the A/C bills come in. Better windows are an excellent start, but countless other renovations can help homeowners bring energy costs down. Here’s a few preventative projects that homeowners should be aware of along with the benefits that should be kept top of mind:

  • Making sure HVAC systems are operating at their best can ensure homes stay cooler while bills remain lower (but probably best to save any major upgrades until the off season, if possible).

  • Installing solar panels can supplement (or even replace) energy used from the grid.

  • Updating plumbing to conserve water is another way to improve home energy use.

  • Upgrading appliances to more efficient models will keep homeowner energy bills low.

Home improvement providers and contractors will be essential guides for homeowners looking to lower energy usage and costs.

Stay a step ahead of large repair work

Preventative maintenance might not be at the top of any homeowner’s project wish list. But these often less-than-glamorous tasks can allow them to tackle those more exciting projects sooner by ensuring the essentials are taken care of. When crafting marketing content and communicating with prospective clients, be sure to highlight these key repairs as necessary to properly get through the seasons following the summer months, as well as the financial benefits included, such as lower energy bills.

By helping homeowners take advantage of the summer repair season, contractors can keep them a step ahead of potential pitfalls and on track for whatever financial goal comes next.

Learn more about how Ally Lending's financing solutions help make customers’ home projects more affordable.

Visit Ally Home Improvement Financing

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