
Get a free three-month trial of Calm Premium courtesy of Ally.

Unlock a happier, healthier you with the No. 1 app for sleep, meditation and relaxation.

How it works:

  1. Enter your information on this page and select Submit
  2. We’ll send you a confirmation email to verify you’re a human
  3. Once you’ve confirmed, we’ll email you a unique code and a link to sign up
  4. Create your Calm account or log into your existing account and enter your code
  5. Inhale, exhale and enjoy your Calm
The free trial automatically renews into a one-year subscription at the then-current retail price, then automatically renews each year at the then-current retail price until cancelled; cancel any time. Not available to customers who have tried Calm Premium in the past. Offer valid through Aug. 26, 2025. Additional terms and conditions apply.

By entering your email address you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age and a U.S. resident and are consenting to receive marketing emails from Ally. This will allow Ally to digitally communicate with you via email which might contain newsletters, product information or special offers. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking on the Unsubscribe link contained in our emails. Learn more about Ally’s privacy practices at If you are a California resident, please review Ally’s CCPA Notice at Collection(PDF) prior to proceeding.

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