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Rates are at historic highs.
Lock yours in now.

Introducing our limited-time 8-Month Select CD.

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8-Month Select CD


Annual Percentage Yield (APY)
on all balance tiers
Accurate as of

Special Promotional Offer Details

  • APY is accurate as of  and is subject to change prior to the end of the promotional term and upon renewal. Promotional term available through 5/14/2025.

  • No minimum balance to open or earn APY.

  • Interest compounded daily.

  • Automatically renews into a 6-Month High Yield CD .

  • Your deposits are insured by the FDIC up to the maximum allowed by law.

  • Early withdrawal penalty will apply. APY is fixed for the term of the CD.

  • When you fund your CD on the same day you open it or on one of the next 9 calendar days, you'll get the best rate we offer for your term and balance if our rate goes up within that time. This Ally Ten Day Best Rate Guarantee also applies at renewal.

Have an Ally Bank CD that’s up for maturity?

Now’s the perfect time to renew, take advantage of this limited-time CD and get a loyalty reward of an extra 0.05% added to your new interest rate. To renew into this CD, you’ll need to Change Terms on your  Manage CD  page.

Ally Bank, Member FDIC