Robo Portfolios
Designed for you, invested by us.
Trading Fees
Advisory Fees
Annual Fees
Rebalancing Fees
Get your diversified portfolio recommendation and invest smarter with our cash-enhanced portfolios.
Not your average robo-advisor.
We believe intelligent investing should be accessible to everyone. With our automated cash enhanced portfolios, you don't pay advisory fees, unlike most robo-advisors, and our minimum investment is just $100.
How it works
Our experts put 70% of your investment into a diversified portfolio, one that’s built around your goals and risk tolerance
They also set aside 30% as cash to earn interest at a competitive rate, while also acting as a buffer against market volatility
If you’re interested in a portfolio with less cash holdings, consider our market-focused portfolio.

We build our portfolios with your goals in mind.

A popular basic allocation with a highly diversified mix of stocks and bonds
Highly diversified across domestic, international, and fixed-income assets
Choose the amount of risk you’re comfortable with, from conservative to aggressive

Can help enhance returns with tax-exempt income through municipal bonds
Consider if you're in a higher tax bracket
Can help maximize your investments if you make after-tax contributions

Socially Responsible
Invests in companies with strong environmental and social track records, actively practicing sustainability, energy efficiency, or other environmentally-friendly initiatives

Focuses on cash flow over growth
Includes a mix of higher-yielding stocks
Consider if you are currently near or in retirement
Offers higher dividend yields, while maintaining a more conservative risk profile
Portfolio Types:
Cash enhanced - No advisory fees, rebalancing fees, or annual charges, and 30% gets set aside as an interest-earning cash buffer
Market focused - Invest more with just 2% held as cash and a 0.30% annual advisory fee
Account Types:
Traditional IRA
Roth IRA
Rollover IRA
Get started with $100
Our intelligent tools recommend a professionally designed portfolio based on your personal goals, timeframe, and risk tolerance
Hands-off investing means you sit back while our robo-advisor automatically manages your portfolio to make sure your plan stays on track
Includes a mix of low cost, diversified exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
Account Protection:
As a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), funds are available to meet customer claims up to a ceiling of $500,000, including a maximum of $250,000 for cash claims.
What else you should know.
Securities products and services are offered through Ally Invest Securities LLC, member FINRA / SIPC . You can find background on Ally Invest Securities at FINRA’s BrokerCheck . View Security Disclosures . Advisory services are offered through Ally Invest Advisors Inc., a registered investment adviser. View Advisory Disclosures . Ally Invest Advisors and Ally Invest Securities are wholly owned subsidiaries of Ally Invest Group Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Ally Financial Inc. Securities products are NOT FDIC INSURED, NOT BANK GUARANTEED, and MAY LOSE VALUE.
Product screenshots are provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered as advice to buy or sell any particular security.
If you have questions regarding your taxes, please visit IRS.gov or consult a tax professional. Ally Invest does not provide any tax advice.